Saturday, December 13, 2008

Carmel Walnut Apple

Fall is here and for Thanksgiving dinner I made a Carmel Walnut Apple Ice Cream. This is a French Vanilla ice cream that has swirls of carmel and walnuts. I then carmelized some Green Granny Smith apples and folded them into the ice cream. The carmel flavor was noticeble throughout with a nice texture of apples and crunchy toasted walnuts. The carmel sauce was made from from fresh whole cream and organic cane sugar, now that I know how to make a carmel sauce I will be able to incorporate into more of my ice creams. Let me know what you think and what type of add in could enhance this flavor combination.....perhaps maybe candied walnuts next time.....
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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mint Ice Cream with Dark Chocolate Swirls

This is my creation of Mint Chip Ice Cream. My mint ice cream is made is made with heavy cream, fresh milk, sugar and organic peppermint extract. The ice cream has a cool creamy refreshing taste and the dark chocolate swirls break up as you scoop the ice cream in to your mouth to provide a classic contrast with the mint ice cream. This is ice cream is my personal favorite.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rocky Road

Rocky Road Ice requested by Julia!!! This was dark rich chocolate ice cream with freshly toasted almonds and all natural marshmellos

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cookies and Cream

This batch of Cookies and Cream was done from the request of my niece Megan. We had a special visit from the George family and it was a delight to share my budding ice cream making knowledge with them. Megan helped in every aspect of making this wonderful dessert. She had to sweat over the hot stove and she got to learn how to temper the eggs for the vanilla ice cream, she learned that making ice cream is definitely not as fast as buying it from the store. I'm glad she was patient enough to wait it out to enjoy the fruits of he labor. Stay tuned to see what my niece Julia had requested......
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Blueberry Cheesecake with Toasted Cashews

A couple weeks ago I tried a blueberry cheesecake ice cream. I topped it off with a wild blueberry sauce and toasted cashews for some crunch. I thought the cheesecake ice cream tasted too much like eating cheesecake and not enough like ice cream. In my next batch I will try to add more sweet cream and give it a more even taste of ice cream and cheesecake. But if you like frozen cheesecake this would be the ice cream for you! The blueberry sauce was simple blueberry reduction with some sugar and cornstarch to thicken it up a little bit.
I thought cashews would add a nice crunch and flavor to I didn't want to use Almonds or Walnuts because i think it would have taken away from the blueberry. I already had some suggestion of making a strawberry cheesecake....but since fall is coming I might try a Pumpkin cheesecake...stay tuned to see if that recipe makes it to the blog!!
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Vanilla Bean with Toasted Walnut and Freshly Baked Chocolate Cookie

This is one of the best mixes I have made yet. The vanilla bean ice cream was rich and smooth and I mixed in freshly toasted walnuts and then layered in broken pieces of freshly baked chocolate cookies. The vanilla bean ice cream was a new recipe which required more time to prepare almost twice as long as my other recipe. The walnuts were toasted to a golden brown which gave it a very highten walnut flavor. I then baked freshly made chocolate chip cookies. I got the the inspiration for the cookies from a New York Times article. It had required the dough to be refigerated between 12 and 36 hours. I gave a pint to Binh, Susan and Branden.

Branden looks like he is enjoying the ice cream.

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Seems like the pictures are not showing up on the blog. I'll have to fix it tonight. Sorry about that.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Pike's Place Coffee Ice Cream

This is actually the second time I tried making coffee ice cream. The first time I created a "Crunchy" version using coffee grounds in the ice cream mixture. This time I used a different recipe which required the whole coffee beans to steep in the warm ice cream mixture for 1 hour. This one turned out great it had a very deep coffee taste without leaving coffee grinds stuck in you teeth!!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream

I was in the mood for a chocolate peanutbutter cup so I decided to make a Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream. It turned out pretty good the chocolate ice cream was made from dark chocolate which gave it a rich textures. The peanut butter was the natural peanut butter, it got kind of hard during the freezing process so it wasn't as scoopable as I would like. Oh well live and learn. It was still good to eat!!